Starting with community and culture

I’ve always to wanted to build a utopia. That seed was already planted before I even started primary school. Back then, I desired something that resembled a home, a place that soothes the harshness of the environment, a place where people understand and are understood. But I was never comfortable sharing that dream with anyone. So it remained a silent wish. So it remained an unsprouted seed in my head.

After two decades, I grew a little wiser. I realized that utopias wouldn’t occur naturally and that no amount of money could buy one either. Additionally, advances in technology and health care could enhance utopias but they could’t create one either. If neither waiting nor making a bunch of money nor advancing technology and health care were essential, then what was? It’s community and culture. Armed with that insight, I decided to pluck that seed from my head and plant it in a community. Let’s see where this clumsy attempt goes.